Hitesh Dhawan Dec 15, 2012

Social Media Trends for 2015

For any business, having an online presence is essential nowadays. Nearly every one of us throughout the world engages in transactions online. Therefore, it is quite indispensable for companies to execute their marketing endeavors over the internet.

Which platform is the most effective one nowadays for advertising products as well as services? Ask this question to diverse business holders. The common reply will be definitely social media. In relation to Statista, there are by now approximately 1.79 billion users in social media in 2014. Also, it is expected to reach approximately 2.44 billion by 2018. This is undoubtedly going to provide social media a boost as a major marketing platform in the upcoming days.

Nearly every year, new trends emerge in social media. Let’s explore some anticipated trends for the up-coming year.

Go Mobile

Numerous new apps for the social media sites are expected to come up. This is going to make it stress-free for the users to access social media sites, irrespective of the fact, where they are.

Images will be used in a more extensive way.

It is a well-known fact that pictorial contents are easier to recall. Therefore, they are expected to have more effect than their text-based counterparts. Next year, companies are expected to make use of more images for advertising about their business.

Short videos will be used more.

Interactive videos are expected to be the in-thing, in the coming year. Instagram offers exceptional video marketing prospects and is expected to become very popular during 2015.

Companies will choose viral marketing.

More and more companies are going to create media that will go viral or circulate quickly.

Real-time marketing will rise considerably.

Social media sites are an outstanding medium for the companies to connect directly with their clients. Most of the companies are expected to continue, making the most of this opportunity to the fullest.

The most common mediums are expected to be LinkedIn and Instagram

LinkedIn is predicted to come out as a major medium for B2B audience, an enormous number of people will make use of Instagram for B2C communication

Creativity will be your way to success

Irrespective of how much you are spending time on social media, it won’t make you earn money, unless you are creative.

Except these trends, if you feel there are some more trends which are going to make a mark in the social media world, then feel free to enlighten us on it.

About Author

Hitesh Dhawan

Founder of Neuronimbus, A digital evangelist, entrepreneur, mentor, digital tranformation expert. Two decades of providing digital solutions to brands around the world.

Social Media Trends for 2015

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