Hitesh Dhawan Jun 24, 2013

Social Media Marketing: Success Means Knowing Your Customer

Nowadays, just having a website for your business is not enough. Today is the age of social media. Every big, mediocre and small business has its presence at various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn etc.

In a laymen’s language, Social media marketing is a process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites. It is a marketing program usually done by creating attractive content to encourage reader’s attention to share it across the social networking sites. Many business firms hire top Website Development Company to do this job.

Following are some advantages of social media marketing which you all must know:

1. Personal touch and quick responsiveness:

Social media is a unique platform where you can personally interact with your customer base. This person interaction can instill a feeling of loyalty into followers and potential customers. Also, any drawback in your product will be immediately informed and you will have the opportunity to resolve it right away.

2. Vast amount of reach:

A social networking site allows followers to retweet or repost comments made by others. By repeating the message, it reaches to more people. So because the information about the product is being put out there and is getting repeated, thus, more traffic is brought to the company.

3. Finding new customers:

In the process of marketing, you may join ample number of groups related to your product. Posting links to these groups could grab the attention of many customers. You can find people who are looking for the product you sell. Therefore you can see a sale from nowhere.

4. No charges required:

The most fascinating feature of social media marketing is that it is absolutely free of cost. You only have to make your account on Facebook or Twitter and then start posting informational stuffs. Now it is totally up to you how you write your content. If you are lazy at writing then you can also hire a content writer, who might charge you according to your need.

Though social media marketing (SMM) has many advantages, but it is followed by few fundamentals which you should be aware of:

A) Being Patient: Social media is a platform which requires lots of patience to survive. In this field one cannot attain success overnight. You need to write a meaningful content consistently to catch the attention of customers.

B) Provide quality: It’s better to write 10 meaningful things than to write 100 absurd quotes. You need to provide quality to your content, so that customers could connect to you.

C) Be a good listener: Social media marketing requires more listening than writing. One should thoroughly keep track about the type of content their target audience wants. Then only your content could add value to your business.

By following the above mentioned points, one could really boost up his business.

So, it doesn’t matter if you are a starter or having a company of 10 years in business. SMM is a key field which you just cannot afford to ignore.

About Author

Hitesh Dhawan

Founder of Neuronimbus, A digital evangelist, entrepreneur, mentor, digital tranformation expert. Two decades of providing digital solutions to brands around the world.

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Social Media Marketing: Success Means Knowing Your Customer

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