Web Development
Hitesh Dhawan Apr 29, 2013

Setting up a web development company

While a lot of my peers would raise eyebrows over why the CEO of a web development company is writing about how to setup a web company. But then I haven’t really given importance to what others would think. The web design and development industry is overwhelmingly overcrowded as it is and the laws of nature do apply here as well, only the fittest survive and the other perish as quickly as they open.

So, coming to the schematics of the game – I would like to say that while it doesn’t take much investment to setup shop but it’s not like what it used to be say 10 years back or even 5 years back. It’s not that easy… just like any other conventional business, it requires the right kind of capital and in this case it’s the Human capital that is important, this also includes you the one who wishes to take the plunge.

So it all starts with the right mind set and I mean you need to be driven and motivated about web development industry and pretty clued in… this line of business can take some time to bear fruit, not talking of the immediate few quick returns but sustainable revenue and growth. You need to have the conviction to see through the formative years of the company and the web business you want to see grow. So you need to be convinced yourself about the line of work, understand some technical aspects (either web design or web technology) of the business.

Now that you have the conviction and the human capital… (The numbers don’t matter but the quality of your team’s skills do) it’s time to figure out if you want to or are in a position to start off with a niche web design and development service. Even if you start off with no specific technology niche it’s still important to figure out your pitch, your unique proposition with which you can go out and build some recall for your new company

Be prepared to be humbled…. You may have walked into the web development space thinking that you are a pro but when you put on the shoes of an entrepreneur, I can assure you that it’s a completely different ball game and you will come across business challenges that you have not prepared yourself for or didn’t think they exist. But that’s the real learning curve for you as a budding web development company and someone who is trying to get a toehold in the industry.

Some food for thought – eighty percent of businesses fall within the first year, now if that makes your gut churn then you should stop right now, but if you think that your conviction and skills can see you through then go ahead and setup the company and start the roller coaster ride. It takes sheer determination and drive to succeed in the web design business… but that’s the case in any business.

A web development company can be started with a low budget but don’t think the costs will always be low… its up to you and your wisdom of how you set things up from office, to daily expenses, team’s expenses, software and hardware. Remember every penny saved is a penny earned and I believe that because if you are not spend thrift then very soon you will have expenses that go out of your hand and cutting them back will be a more uphill task than you think. So spend only where its important and will have a direct impact on your business… everything else can wait.

I have just skimmed the top here and given some very important and key anecdotes, there is a lot more that needs to be done, planned and executed…. Remember setting up your web development company is just one piece of the puzzle, to successfully run it is entirely a new challenge to face. But don’t let any of the above scare you… if you want to get into this then go ahead and chase your dreams, in the end it’s about following your heart with a conscious mind… that’s what I like to do.

Feel free to get in touch with me and know more… I will be glad to share… until next time

About Author

Hitesh Dhawan

Founder of Neuronimbus, A digital evangelist, entrepreneur, mentor, digital tranformation expert. Two decades of providing digital solutions to brands around the world.

Setting up a web development company

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