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Hitesh Dhawan Oct 09, 2019

Node.JS Vs. Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails vs Node.js: Choosing the Right Framework for Your Project

The choice of development platform when designing a website or an app is critical in the success of the project. Since its launch in 2004, ruby on rails has been the King in website development. However, more recent development in JavaScript, which led to the development of Node.JS has shifted the world of programming with leading tech companies like Wal-Mart, LinkedIn, Netflix, New York Times, and PayPal shifting from Ruby to Node.JS. Note that Node JS, unlike ruby, is not a programming language but a web-server methodology mainly used with JS-framework.

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Here is a Quick Comparison of the Two:

  • Fast Execution

Speed is critical in the performance of most websites and applications. In terms of speed, Node.JS is the best option owing to several reasons: it is based on Google V8 server, input-output with no blockages, programming that is not synchronized and a range of programming centered events. Hence, Node.JS can handle many requests at a single time. Also, Node.JS can handle the workload of many, simultaneously explaining why technological giants are shifting to Node.JS.

  • Scalability

Scalability in web development services is the ability of a system to advance in size to handle the growing work output. This is a critical element in system development since developers’ primary objective is to design a system that can handle today’s workload as well as that of the future. In terms of scalability, Node.JS is the most scalable. The name ‘Node’ emphasizes that a node application must comprise several nodes which can easily communicate. Also, when several node workers cluster together, they create an additional node, hence making Node.JS easy to grow. Thus, Node.JS is ideal for web app development with a focus on growth.

  • Re-Usability

In the programming world, re-usability refers to the ability of a code or an object to be used in existing assets. This implies that the designed code can be used in other programs, objects, platforms, or development process. Re-usability reduces the times and resources required to accomplish a task; hence, it is a critical consideration in website development.

In terms of re-usability, Node.JS is the most preferred. Re-usability is enabled when there is a fair number of rewrites and refactoring, which is a process mainly associated with Node JS. Further, since Node.JS uses object-based prototyping, it is easy to stimulate class inheritance, which supports the use of existing code in future projects.

  • Security

Ruby on Rails is an excellent choice in terms of security. The best thing about ROR is that you don’t need to invest in a self-provision mechanism. ROR uses XSS filters, which is a major security feature in website development. Further, ROR has a built-in-authenticity which protects website and apps against attacks. Authentication is another way by which ROR offers inbuilt security. Authentication is simply a system of verifying a user before allowing access to a system or a website. The ROR uses SSL encryption to ensure that the data being transferred is secure.

Thus, the choice between Ruby on Rails and Node.JS should be based mainly on the user needs. Here are a few quick facts about each for better decision making. Ruby on rails has been the king in the web development

Here are a few Pros & Cons to Help You Understand Better 

Ruby on Rails


  • Has a wide a solid community for mature support and guidance.
  • It enables faster development.
  • It is easy to read, understand and develop.
  • It has a powerful and expressive language.
  • Can easily support database migration.


  • It is not ideal for larger projects due to its slow speed and limited scalability.
  •  It requires more computing resources to perform simple tasks.
  • The rails come with large frame stacks which make debugging hard.



  • It is light-weight and fast, hence great for websites and applications development which require speed.
  • It is highly scalable, making it ideal for growing systems.
  • Uses the same language on client and server-side, hence easy to use.
  • It has a powerful library.
  • It is suitable for streaming due to its powerful capabilities.


  • It is not ideal for tasks that require the use of CPU.
  • More codes are needed for simple tasks.
  • It is not easy to read. 

Hence, the choice between Ruby on Rails and Node.JS depends on the needs of a user. If speed, performance, and scalability are your major needs, then Node.JS is the ideal choice for you. However, if you prefer security and ease of use, then Ruby on rails is the perfect option.

FAQs About Ruby on Rails vs Node.js

Q. What are the key differences between Ruby on Rails and Node.js?

A. Ruby on Rails is a web application framework written in Ruby, known for its convention over configuration approach, while Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that enables server-side scripting and is known for its non-blocking, event-driven architecture.

Q. Is Ruby on Rails faster than Node.js for web development?

A. Node.js typically offers faster performance due to its non-blocking I/O model, making it more suitable for real-time applications, while Ruby on Rails is known for rapid development and ease of use.

Q. Which is more scalable: Ruby on Rails or Node.js?

A. Node.js is generally considered more scalable than Ruby on Rails due to its asynchronous, event-driven architecture, which efficiently handles multiple simultaneous connections.

Q. For what types of projects is Ruby on Rails best suited?

A. Ruby on Rails is ideal for projects that prioritize rapid development, structured coding, and ease of maintenance, such as e-commerce sites, content management systems, and database-backed web applications.

Q. What are the advantages of using Node.js over Ruby on Rails?

A. Node.js advantages include better performance for data-intensive, real-time applications, scalability, and the ability to use JavaScript for both client and server-side scripting.

Q. Can Ruby on Rails handle real-time applications effectively?

A. While Ruby on Rails can handle real-time features to some extent, Node.js is generally better equipped for handling real-time data processing and streaming due to its asynchronous nature.

Q. Is Ruby on Rails or Node.js easier for beginners to learn?

A. Ruby on Rails is often considered more beginner-friendly due to its opinionated framework, which provides a clear structure and conventions, whereas Node.js might require more initial setup and configuration.

Q. Which framework offers better community support, Ruby on Rails or Node.js?

A. Both Ruby on Rails and Node.js have strong and active communities, but Node.js may have a wider reach due to the popularity of JavaScript.

Q. How do Ruby on Rails and Node.js compare in terms of security?

A. Ruby on Rails includes several built-in security features and is generally considered strong in security, while Node.js also provides robust security capabilities but may require more manual configuration.

Q. Which framework should be chosen for a startup, Ruby on Rails or Node.js?

A. The choice depends on the startup’s specific needs: Ruby on Rails for rapid development and ease of use, and Node.js for high-performance, data-intensive applications or projects requiring extensive JavaScript.

About Author

Hitesh Dhawan

Founder of Neuronimbus, A digital evangelist, entrepreneur, mentor, digital tranformation expert. Two decades of providing digital solutions to brands around the world.

Node.JS Vs. Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails vs Node.js: Choosing the Right Framework for Your Project

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