Hitesh Dhawan Mar 05, 2014

Indoor Maps Launched By Google In India

In a recent announcement Google has launched indoor maps in India, adding a unique twist to the already popular software of Google Maps. Launched by the technology super power Google in the year 2005, Google Map has since gained immense popularity across various platforms. However, the concept of indoor maps is not new and is an integral part of the Google Map in countries like the US,  Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and Netherlands.

A very handy application for people who like to visit unfamiliar places in India, the Indoor Map will help them locate stores while shopping as well as help them plan a visit to a museum in a much better manner. With attention paid to the smallest detail, it will be a very valuable tool for people to help them locate their desired location. Further, the service will be available for free across Android and iOS software.

Google will work in collaboration with 75 partners across 22 cities in India to make the indoor map a reality. Besides the metros, the indoor map will cover major locations in cities like Bhopal, Coimbatore, Chandigarh, Dehradun, Jaipur, Kochi, Lucknow, Ludhiana and Moradabad.

Did You Know?

  1. Combining satellite, aerial and street level imagery, Google Maps has over 20 petabytes of data, which is equal to approximately 21 million gigabytes, or around 20,500 terabytes.
  2. Depending on data availability, aerial and satellite images are updated every two weeks.
  3. Google has worked with thousands of business owners in eight countries to bring Street View technology inside buildings.
  4. The Street View team has taken tens of millions of images since the Street View project began in 2007, and they’ve driven more than 5 million unique miles of road.
  5. Google originally started with fewer camera lenses and lower quality imagery, but now the Street View camera systems have 15 lenses and can produce photos at about 65 megapixel resolution.

Get more information on Google Indoor Maps here –

About Author

Hitesh Dhawan

Founder of Neuronimbus, A digital evangelist, entrepreneur, mentor, digital tranformation expert. Two decades of providing digital solutions to brands around the world.

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Indoor Maps Launched By Google In India

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