Hitesh Dhawan Oct 18, 2013

How to Handle Negative Emotions on Social Media?

If you’ve never had an annoying experience on Facebook, don’t think you’ll never face any problem in future, your turn might be coming. What are you going to do once a remark, post, image, or news item is circulated quickly in a wrong way? Following are 5 instructions that will help you handle the challenging first 2 days.

Make sure you have a posting policy which is visible to everybody
A few brands have their posting policy on a particular tab, noticeable in their apps section and a few in the About section. Just make sure it describes elements that are intolerable and might cause a post or picture to be hidden, removed, or blocked.

Filter the public posts
Facebook has a feature below the edit page/manage permissions tab where you are able to specify keywords as spam. These can be added as well as deducted whenever you want. You can begin with a plain set of words that might express hate speech and head on from there all through the event. Take care you don’t add words that are part of usual discussion like “hate”. You can always hide intolerable posts once they are visible, or change filter keywords whenever you like. Just remember the filter is not backdated so it won’t filter posts previously made. Furthermore, set your profanity block list to strong. This will spontaneously filter any posts with disrespectful or indecent remarks. Also, check the unfiltered feed through Sprout Social. This provides you what exactly people are feeling on the issue, as it consists of all the posts Facebook has filtered out with removed posts as well as pictures. Remember; don’t remove bad posts that are public. Though, it will make you unhappy, but don’t worry with right measures, you will be ok.

Be choosy about liking affirmative posts
Seeing how fast the comments are coming, try and like just 10-15% of the comments and the ones that are really helpful for the company and don’t refer to the crisis at hand.

Be choosy about removing, hiding, as well as blocking
You can’t remove posts because you don’t like them. Posts that disturb your posting policy can be hidden. This way, the person that posted as well as their friends can still see the post, however your fans cannot. People that are constantly attacking an issue can be prohibited. Be very choosy about prohibition. If a furious poster sneaks through the filter cracks and is stubborn, block them.

Let the people express their feelings
If you are ill, you are supposed to take medication. It’s difficult to see people talk unsympathetically about your brand; however you should let them talk in a courteous style. Make an effort to de-personalize the situation and remember they’re not discussing you personally.

About Author

Hitesh Dhawan

Founder of Neuronimbus, A digital evangelist, entrepreneur, mentor, digital tranformation expert. Two decades of providing digital solutions to brands around the world.

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How to Handle Negative Emotions on Social Media?

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