Hitesh Dhawan Jul 30, 2013

10 Amazing Tips to Get More Followers on your Business Twitter Handle

Scratching your brains out to get more followers on your business Twitter handle?

Pull up your socks and get ready to implement these methods in order to drive organic growth of followers on your company’s Twitter profile.

Here are 10 useful tips to get you started –

  1. Optimize your profile – Describe what your brand personality is in a simple manner. Upload your profile picture (your company logo), and fill in your bio with all the interesting words through which you want to be in the search results of your target audience. Don’t forget to upload your header picture and background image, try to make them relevant & informational i.e. company theme, address, phone no., website and email ids will work.
  2. Cross promote your twitter profile on social media platforms – It is wise to mention your twitter handle while you post on other social media networks like Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, Foursquare, YouTube, etc. This will promote your twitter handle among the audience available at other networks.
  3. Follow the right people – Following people in your niche is the best mechanism to increase twitter followers. As soon as you follow the right people, most of them would follow you back and thereon, you can continue the conversations through writing tweets to them, retweeting (RTs) them and favouriting too.
  4. Schedule your tweets during peak hours – Do some research and find out the best time to tweet for your purpose. Ideally, time periods like 9am, 12 noon, 3pm, 6pm and sometimes after 9pm (for mid-night e-commerce contests) considered as heavy usage timings and you will get response on your tweets during this time.
  5. Post interesting content – Just promoting your own business will not help you to increase the number of followers but tweeting something interesting (within your topic) in 140 words will have more worth. Also, try to post pictures, videos as well.
  6. Put Call-to-Action keywords in your tweets – Ask your existing followers to Retweet and Favorite your tweets. This can increase your engagement rate. Some of Call to Action words are – Click here, Please Retweet, RT now!, Check now, Read here, Reply now! etc.
  7. Retweet your followers and customers online – Build engagement by showing gratitude towards your active followers and clients (if any) on twitter. They should know that you are an active twitter user who is contributing an interesting pieces of information online.
  8. Answer queries and concerns promptly – One of the most negative feedback brand pages receive is 0 response rate on Twitter. Stay active and respond to all the incoming queries and concerns on your twitter handle. The quicker you respond, the more followers you would be able to gain.
  9. Use hashtags relevant to your niche – Using every other hashtag in your tweet won’t do any good to your business. Search the top 10 hashtags relevant for your interest / brand / service and use them on a regular basis.
  10. Don’t not use more than 3 hashtags in a tweet – #DO #NOT #BOMBARD #YOUR #TWEET #WITH #HASHTAGS. A tweet full of hashtags is of no relevance. Keep the number of hash tags to be used in a tweet maximum to 3.

There are many more practices that can lead you to an increased number of your Twitter followers. Feel free to share what engagement maneuvers do you use to increase your Twitter followers?

About Author

Hitesh Dhawan

Founder of Neuronimbus, A digital evangelist, entrepreneur, mentor, digital tranformation expert. Two decades of providing digital solutions to brands around the world.

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10 Amazing Tips to Get More Followers on your Business Twitter Handle

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