Mobile App Development

Step-by-Step Guide: Converting Your Website into a Seamless Mobile App

In today’s hyper-connected world, mobile apps reign supreme. Consumers are glued to their smartphones, using them for everything from social media scrolling to online shopping and entertainment.


Is Twitter trying to Match up the other Social networking sites and Losing its Uniqueness?

Twitter is always tweaking its services with latest features and visual face-lifts, and recently it…


Twitter Being More Social via Photo Tagging

It seems being more social like Facebook is the mantra for Twitter these days; evident…


4 Simple Ways That Social Media Can Take Your Business Ahead

Social media is today impacting almost all areas of our life and almost every marketer…


Facebook Acquires WhatsApp for USD 19 Billion

When Mark Zuckerberg said (in 2012) that he wanted to connect people and bring them closer,…

Facebook’s Business Pages to Get a New Look!

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